Can You Take Tamiflu With Nyquil and Advil

It started with the achy muscles and speedily escalated to runny nose, fever, coughing, and chills. You have the flu.

At first, yous might recollect to care for it like a bad cold — but the flu is different. Doctors explain what Not to do when yous're sick with the flu.

i. Skip the coughing medicine.

The flu tin cause a nasty cough that leaves you exhausted and sore. But over-the-counter cough medicines aren't effective at quashing cough, doctors say.

That's because the doses of cough suppressants in these medications are as well low, co-ordinate to Dr. Richard Irwin, a professor of medicine at the Academy of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester, Massachusetts, and chairman of the cough guidelines commission for the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP).

"Typically, they don't work," Whitley-Williams agreed.

Cough medicines that contain opioids like codeine should never exist given to children, the Food and Drug Assistants warned in early Jan.

"Children should not take any cough or common cold medications," said Dr. Nasia Safdar, medical director of infection command at the University of Wisconsin Wellness. "They are not beneficial and might be harmful."

Likewise, whatever you do, don't mix products containing acetaminophen like Tylenol or Nyquil or Theraflu. The recommended daily dosage — for the entire 24 hours — is no more than than 4,000 milligrams (mg). Going over that dosage but picayune can cause severe liver harm.

2. Don't take antibiotics.

A virus causes the influenza. But antiviral medications treat viruses. Antibiotics treat bacterial infections.

"Influenza is a virus. It is not cured or treated by typical antibiotics," said Dr. Patricia Whitley-Williams, sectionalization main of allergy, immunology, and communicable diseases in pediatrics at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.

Antiviral prescription drugs like Tamiflu practice treat the flu, although doctors generally only prescribe it to people with compromised allowed systems or who are more than susceptible to illness, such every bit young children, older adults, or pregnant women.

"Those are the groups that should seek attention," said Safdar. Tamiflu works best when given within a 24-hour interval or so of the first symptoms, so don't expect to run into the doctor if a high-hazard loved i shows signs.

3. Don't lie down.

This may be the about difficult! High fever. Aches. Chills. All you take strength to exercise is put your head on a pillow. Resting during the flu is very important, simply lying downward makes information technology harder on the lungs. Lying upright will make it easier to clear the lungs.

"Information technology feels ameliorate to have your head upwards and it makes it easier to breathe," said Whitley Williams.

Safdar said sitting upwards right stops the congestion from trickling downwards the back of the throat and causing a tickling feeling. Which leads to ... more coughing.

iv. Don't give children aspirin.

When the fever hits it can cause a headache and people desperate for relief might attempt aspirin. But aspirin, and other drugs called salicylates, tin can cause a serious complication in children nether xviii known as Reye'due south syndrome. This can lead to problems with the liver and encephalon.

Whitely-Williams recommends acetaminophen or ibuprofen for reducing fever. Just be very careful about reading labels of any over-the-counter or prescription medications you take, especially if you're combining medications — overdoses can lead to serious complications.

As for adults taking aspirin or other fever reducers, a 2022 written report using math projections suggested it may actually make the infection concluding longer and increase your take a chance of spreading the infection.

"An individual whose fever has been reduced is probable to experience better and is therefore more than likely to interact with others," the researchers from McMaster University in Ontario wrote. "In addition, fever suppression may increment both the charge per unit and duration of viral shedding, further increasing the pathogen'due south manual rate."

5. Don't potable a hot toddy.

While alcohol makes people feel drowsy, it doesn't pb to practiced slumber and can contribute to dehydration.

Resting up and staying hydrated are both needed to help people recover from the flu. What more, booze can make people feel worse.

"Flu can often make people feel very sick and that can include making people feel very delirious and something that can bear on your thinking (like alcohol) is not recommended," said Safdar.

six. Don't take a cold shower to reduce fever.

When trying to reduce their fevers some people have common cold showers or an ice bath. But that has the opposite effect.

"Do not utilise an water ice bath or cold. It will brand the fever go up," said Whitley-Williams. "Sponge downwardly in lukewarm water."

Tepid water actually helps intermission fevers.

7. Don't become to piece of work.

"It is then important that yous stay home and become remainder and attempt to get over the flu. Otherwise when you go to work you are exposing all your coworkers to flu," said Whitley-Williams. "You are putting people are adventure."

The Centers for Affliction Command and Prevention recommends that people exercise not go to work until they accept been fever free for 24 hours without the use of anti-fever medications, said Safdar.


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